Open Studio Artist Talk
When: Saturday, March 1, 2–3:30pm
Where: Online and In-Person at JTHAR Ranch Studio
Where: Online and In-Person at JTHAR Ranch Studio
Remy Barnes
Writer Remy will read an excerpt from his novel-in-progress, tentatively titled “Plateau of Mirror,” which he worked on while in residence. Part gothic horror, part neo-noir, part absurd sci-fi, the novel concerns a young man searching for his missing twin brother who may or may not be taking part in a vast social engineering experiment at the labyrinthine home of a billionaire tech mogul. The novel grapples with ideas of all-pervasive paranoia, grief and loss in late capitalism, technological progress and environmental catastrophe and the shadowy figures who profit from all of the above.
Edward Fu-Chen Juan
Visual arts/printmaking/papermaking At the residency, Edward continues his research on Taiwanese diaspora community members in the USA and Canada, who are active in the human rights movement. He fabricated paper from indigenous plants foraged on the residency grounds. Using copper etching, he is printing images on Taiwanese gampi paper, which are then assembled with the handmade residency paper into an installation piece. With the JTHAR space, Edward is able to construct his experiment into a physical piece.